Call/Text Brad at (952) 401-4653

Hey Golfers, Does This Sound Familiar?


Hey Golf Achievers… does this sound familiar?

“Do you know what it feels like to be athletic over the golf ball? ”

Or what about

“Do you have a grip that delivers the club into the ball consistently?”

These are just two of the most common questions I hear from folks who are first learning to set-up for success…

And while I don’t have time to go in depth on these questions in this short email, the good news is that it doesn’t matter!

Let me explain…

Let’s say those weren’t an issue, and you had unlimited confidence and shooting the scores you want consistently, then what?

Without a golf improvement process in place I still see people trying to fit random strategies together to develop the skills and strategies they need for success so you they ultimately have more fun on the golf course and break through scoring barriers.

For us, this system is called the Golf Achievement Improvement Process and it starts with developing your golf swing blueprint.

Develop the FUNdamentals of:

  • Stance width
  • Power angle
  • Grip
  • Weight Distribution
  • How far you stand from the ball

Or YOUR athletic stance…

It’s one small step of our complete strategy known as the the Golf Swing Blueprint.

While I of course encourage questions (feel free to reply to any of these emails and ask!), as your coach it’s important for me to get to the real underlying reason for the question and point you back to the overall strategy.

This is the only way to ensure your success!

So if you’re still struggling to put the pieces together, and want to break through the frustration of trying to figure it out on your own, click the link below to book your free strategy session.

On this call, we’ll take a look at your current strategy, as well as any obstacles that may be standing in your way. 

Our goal is to get you to 100% clarity on the next steps you should be taking to improve your golf skills and strategies, whether you decide to work with us or not…  

If you’re ready to schedule your New Student Assessment, click here.

Talk Soon, Brad Pluth, PGA Certified
Golf and Fitness Head Coach
(952) 401-4653  

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