Golf Achievement Stick
Multipurpose training aid to develop your stance, short game and full swing.
My first training aid with Vlad Grabowski.
FlightScope Mevo
Proud technology partner with FlightScope as I use the Xi+, Mevo and Mevo Plus
10% off any training aids at Use the code 132369 or click on the link below.
Hole More Putts Tablet
Measure the improvement of the five vital components of putt.
Face Angle
Impact Point
Attack Angle
WellPutt Matt
The “STANDARD” Wellputt Mat is the ultimate putting mat, not just by its concept, but also the quality of its texture and the exercises in its Training Book. SPEED 9FT
US Kids Junior Clubs
I’m a proud partner with US Kids and other than getting custom fit, US Kids is the best for juniors.
If you’re junior is just starting out, the Ultralight Sets are best.
If you have an advanced junior or one with high clubhead speed, the Tour Series are great.
You’re best getting the right size and allowing the kid to grow out of clubs, rather than grow into clubs.
Email with height, set, shipping information.
US Kids Junior Equipment
Other Partners & Technology
Academy members receive discounts with the following companies:
Eyeline Golf 20% off
Boditrak Pressure Mat Terry Hashimoto (949) 304-8731